LingnanU Elder Academy Programme


New LUEA Members Recruitment 2024

LUEA will be accepting applications for new members who commit to lifelong learning from 1 June to 15 June 2024.  As a member of LUEA, you can enroll in LUEA programmes.

Application requirement: Hong Kong citizens aged 55 or above

Application Fee: Free of Charge

Validation Period: Until 31 August 2026
Application Period: 1 June 2024 - 15 June 2024

Sit-in Programme

The Sit-in Programme (sponsored by the Elder Academy Development Foundation) aims at fostering active participation of the elderly in school lessons and activities, promoting intergenerational harmony through a learn-and-teach dual identity in Elder Academy activities and encouraging life-long learning and successful aging by "Through Train" Learning Model.
Grateful for the support from Lingnan University, a small number of seats in undergraduate courses will be reserved for Sit-in Programme participants.  Each course will last for one semester (around 14 weeks).  The elderly enrolled in the Sit-in Programme will attend classes together with the undergraduate students.  No examination is required and a Certificate of Attendance will be presented to the Sit-in Programme participants with over 80% attendance.

Course Details
Please Click here 
(Chinese only) for the details of the provided courses. 

Application Details
Please read the Application Note 
(Chinese only) carefully before submitting the application.

Application Deadline

7 December 2023

Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly (2024-2026) - The Enjoyable Journey of Gerontechnology


The LingnanU Elder Academy is implementing a two-year project named “The Enjoyable Journey of Gerontechnology”. This project is funded by the “Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly (2024-2026)” from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)” and is implemented by Lingnan Institute of Further Education. The purpose of the programme is to provide different types of information and communication technology (ICT) courses to elders aged 60 or above who have basic information and communication technology knowledge. Topics covered include government mobile applications, smart healthcare, online shopping, mobile payment, e-wallet and network security, etc
        Please Click here for the details of the programme. 


Lingnan Institute of Further Education
Room 301, 3/F, Lau Chung Him Building, Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Tel(852)2616 8068
Fax(852)2460 2049

Graduate Sharing



  • 曾就讀旁聽生計劃課程

我去年抱着「學習讓人充電」 的希冀,參加旁聽生計劃課程,既為汲取新知識,亦為再次享受校園的氛圍而欣喜。我作爲一個從事培訓及教育事務幾十年的人,很欣賞嶺南大學教師充份準備課堂和教材。心總是在想,能與年輕學生一同學習,了解他們的看法,那就更好了;能帶給他們更多學習上和概念上的碰撞和衝擊,那就更體現出「長幼共融」的課程目標。
最後,我必須感謝嶺南大學為長者提供了這個學習的機會,更要感謝Prof. Ye在課程期間的專業講解。謹祝Prof. Ye身體健康!嶺南大學作育英才,創新永續!



  • 曾就讀旁聽生計劃課程



  • 曾就讀旁聽生計劃課程


Graduate Sharing



  • 曾就讀旁聽生計劃課程 

I have enjoyed attending the lectures as a mature student very much.  I have learned a lot about literature,  social science and accounting throughout these years . The study can really help me to keep abreast of our advancing society.


  • 曾就讀旁聽生計劃課程

我很高興有機會修讀"Blue Planet"這個課程。課程內容豐富,課題艱深但有趣味,引發學生追尋及深入探索。對於我這長者而言,能得到一點關於浩瀚宇宙的演化和各星系的知識,已滿足了我的期望。課程讓我們認識到許多影響地球和人類未來的議題,喚醒我們要關注和保護地球。
Dr. Geng是個地質學家,對課程內容知識廣博。她很有教學熱誠,準備課堂非常充足,講解細心。她對學生要求頗高,學生要就戶外考察和博物館參觀撰寫報告,又要學生自選課題作演講,嶺大的學生們都十分努力和認真地完成課程的各項活動。
我非常喜歡和享受這課程,獲益良多。感謝嶺大長者學院和Dr. Geng。


  • 曾就讀旁聽生計劃課程

本人就讀Blue Planet 課程,學習到很多關於科學的知識,也增加了對地球的認識,課程內容都很有趣,令我獲益良多。本人已經退休,在空餘時間能夠多些學習知識,實在對身心有益。


The NT West Elder Academies Cluster was established in 2011 to co-ordinate the operation and curriculum development of the elder academy in the western New Territories. It was encouraging that the number of elders joining the network has increased from 10 elder schools to 105. In order to enable the elderly to exert their role of "active ageing", the NT West Elder Academies Cluster provides diversified learning activities such as visits, seminars, camps to the Elderly, in which the Elderly can enjoy and enrich their learning experience and personal sociality.